Essay Writing



Why enrol for our Essay Writing programme?

Essay writing is a skill everyone expects you to know but very few teach you. Yet it is a skill required by so many subjects. Actually it’s not that difficult! Sure, some people have a natural flair for writing essays. Flair will gain you some marks but you need concepts, sequence and structure to convince your marker that you are a top grade student.

Come to our revision course “Essay Writing”.

You will cover:

  • Format of the formal essay
  • Developing strong concept point
  • Linking to assessment objectives: AO1, AO2, AO3, AO4 and AO5
  • Sequencing your idea in a robust, confident manner
  • Structure scaffold


Essays are for subjects that require you to write: English, History, Religious Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Biology etc.

Use your time wisely. This is a guided revision course that benefits many subjects.

Entry Test Preparation (11+ / ISEB)

Please submit your details here for this course.  A member of our team will get back to you soon.