Language to Ace Exams
#gradehacks for writing the way your marker wants.
Fomo top grades because the oldies don’t use the same words as you, #thestruggleisreal we all have. To translate for people over 40; do you worry about losing marks because you and your marker seem to speak different languages, this is not uncommon. The fact is language is changing incredibly quickly because of the way we communicate on social media. There can be up to a 50-year gap between a student and a teacher/marker so it is no wonder there is a generational language barrier.
So bad news, the markers are not going to start using # in their everyday language or have an acronym like YOLO. This may be the way you talk to your mates but in the classroom, we need to switch our brains into a formal mode. That does not mean that you have to start acting like something you are not or stop thinking outside the box it is just trying to speak the same language as your marker and get the marks you deserve.
This blog is as much for teachers and markers as it is for students. Comments like “expand your vocabulary” are heard every day and I hate to say it, are unhelpful. Yes, I agree, reading should become more of a priority. The fact of the matter is many students don’t know where to start and where to get access to books without burning a hole in their pockets. This could be down to a lack of trying, for many, but for some, guidance will be greatly appreciated. They will be introduced to many words that are unfamiliar and may seem archaic, but are vital for increaing the eloquence of their writing.
They will also be exposed to present perfect sentences which are written less than present continuous sentence structures. ‘Progressive’ sentence structures are now more popular. Encourage them to Google the words and note them down. The art of looking up in a dictionary is lost so meeting them in the middle and allowing them to Google with seem less daunting. It may even be useful to have a vocabulary extension lesson starter where they create sentences with trickier vocabulary from their English material to ensure they understand what you are studying. This is particularly important for early new English literature, like Shakespeare.
Below are some common language sayings that can be translated into essay-proof vocabulary:
no words for it= ineffable
#lifehack= top tips
bromance= inseparable connection between male
friends (I don’t know when you would use this but better
to be safe than sorry)
thestruggleisreal= the character is flustered and irritated by the seemingly insurmountable challenge they are undertaking.
There are dozens more but these a just to give you an idea of how you can translate everyday slang into eloquent phrases to analyse texts and include them in your essays.
To improve your child’s English Language skills call Learning Links Tuition 020 8543 7333